
Barbara E. Kaplan, MHDL

Counseling for Individuals, Couples, Partners, Marriages, Families


Podcasts / Videos


What is CBT? (Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D. explains Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

Permission granted from Anxiety and Depression Association Of America for the above to be included on this Website.  ADAA's persmission is greatly appreciated.


Treating Coexisting Depression and Anxiety    (Anxiety and Depression may co-exist.  Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D. talks about the symptoms of anxiety and depression and addresses treatment for both.)

Permission granted from Anxiety and Depression Association Of America for the above to be included on this Website.  ADAA's persmission is greatly appreciated.


Woody Schuldt, MA explains Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

This video is included with permission from Woody Schuldt, MA.   His permission is greatly appreciated.


Dr. Hall-Flavin speaks about heroin:

By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.


For additional information about content of this page or counseling in general, please call 704 333-1510.

The podcasts/videos on this page are solely for informational purposes.  The information is not advice.  It is not intended for minors, and minors are instructed to leave the site.  It is not intended and it does not constitute professional or clinical advice.  The user of this page should not take any steps, or refrain from taking any steps, based on the information in this page, but should instead consult a qualified mental health professional.